
4 ways to get going as nutrition

No matter how you slice, food is an ugly word. There is evidence of poverty and hunger. To overcome the pain, you need a plan.

So Web MD asked the experts for advice and quick tips on how to get loss going weight.

Calculate how much you must lose before you decide what to do, is Brian C. Jacobson, MD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine and gastroenterologist at Boston University Medical Center in Massachusetts.

Very overweight or obese. For someone obese, I refer to our center for weight loss, said Jacobson, who says, many people lose weight are likely to benefit from a structured, supervised program.

To learn correct portion sizes, consult a nutritionist or registered a look at the new food pyramid MyPyramid.gov.

Exercise is also a part of your project, said Jacobson, the do-it-yourselfers. But this does not necessarily mean joining a gym. Buy a cheap treadmill, he said, they watch TV, hops and a walk.

Before a new shape working or intending to weight loss, but remember to discuss with your doctor.

Personality plays a role in our attitude towards food, says Thomas R. Przybeck, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, which was published on diet and personality. You know your tendencies and adjust your plan to conquer the unproductive inclinations.

Impulsive. Search If you tend to be spontaneous, you can order a pint of Ben amp; Jerry in the freezer and it is, Przybeck says. Obviously you are dieter you need to remove temptations.

Unconscious. If you tend not to care if you - you might eat TV sacker? - You should avoid such situations, if you want to control the parties.

Deliberate. Some people find it so difficult to lose weight. If you are very autonomous, cooperation and have a lot of stick-in-this-ness-VIE, you will find it easier, says Przybeck.

Sociability. They tend to track your food intake better than others, Przybeck found.

When her stomach, asking patients what should come first, diet or exercise, Lauren person, MD, MS, Director of the esophagus and disorders of the small intestine Center at Stanford University School of Medicine in California, said the leap both.

It's a combination of diet and exercise [that will lead to weight loss], he said.

* Is my motivation comes from within?
* I, with occasional setbacks or lack of progress?

Finally, if you're determined to lose weight for yourself - not because someone else is that pressure to do so.

Then, take things slowly, keep these tips in mind and should be on the way to lose weight quickly.

