
Turn your kitchen

People suffering from various health problems, their incidence increases with age. Also tend to say: It's just part of aging, and treat the symptoms. But now it is clear that the key to our health, which is that we consume, and that the road to better health and better quality of life is the use of live food.
You may have heard live, the words food , Living foods or gross . The question is, you know what? Do you eat all raw food is exactly as it sounds, C is the food, which was not heated or altered in any way. This type of plan is a plan, not a temporary instrument to specific objectives, such as weight loss. Such restoration is way of life and a lifestyle, dynamism and scientific support to win the world.

Why live food? Think about that. Why eat? If you answered nourish your body, you are right. We eat to nourish the cells of our body, so the functions necessary to allow our bodies cause alive. These cells are living things, and we need food for living organisms.
But when you cook food to kill. The heating cooking, food and chemically modified to destroy the enzymes needed for the body to help digestion of food aid. As our cells can live in it?
When enzymes are destroyed in our food, our body must be compensated by the use of enzymes using its own for digestion, energy and vital resources for use elsewhere. The concentration of enzymes in the body of the elderly is approximately 30% lower than that of a young adult.
This means that we have exhausted our resources. The body has difficulty dealing with food, but slow digestion. This should ideally within 4 hours, can take up to 4 days. If our body is working so hard for continuous process and got rid of the cooked food that has fewer resources and less free energy in the body like other foreign bodies, such as viruses and bacteria to target ill.

When you kill food cook with vitamins and minerals change, that our body needs to function properly. While it is easy to think that you may feel hungry, eat only live food when you start cleaning your body is better able to absorb nutrients easily available from raw foods. Also, because the live food is so nutritionally dense, we have much less to get the same nutrition we get from cooked foods.
They eat live food leaves a person feeling more satisfied and full of energy.

No other animal on earth cooks their food. It's really a deep meaning. There is no other animal, no other creature on earth is sick, out of shape and overweight men. Even those who live in the environment of the city, breathe the same air pollution as we suffer and do not bear the burden created by their patients as people. People tend to want to improve on nature, but nature is a good job, long before people came to the fore. During lunch, all food for life, as I said, I hope that nature has provided what it takes my body as a whole. In other words, nature knows what it does.

What is addiction? Many people believe that we want, because there is something missing from the diet of our institutions. It is true sometimes, much of our desire for cooked foods is that cooked food is addictive. Many people are physically and psychologically dependent and, as with any addiction, it is difficult to stop smoking. Many resources are available to help you overcome cravings and withdrawal of food. A major resource is Victoria Boutenkos 12 steps to raw foods. And if you think you have to give up eating chocolate live food will pleasantly surprised. Raw chocolate is not only delicious and healthy.

There is increasing evidence that consumption of raw food diet, which will detoxify and cleanse the system, can treat many illnesses to eliminate excess weight, slow aging and extend human life. Both are wonderful resources for books on live food diet David Wolf The Sun food Diet Success System and Eating for Beauty. You can sit down and said, But I ate cooked food all my life and perfect health. The question you should ask yourself: 'What to compare the level of my health? However, almost everyone around you eat cooked food just because something is the norm, does not mean it is healthy.

