
Tips for using the benefits of whole grains

Eat more whole grains is a simple way to find a layer of health insurance to continue your life. Whole grain cereals are packed with nutrients such as protein, fiber, B vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements (iron, zinc, copper and magnesium). A diet rich in whole grains has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, reduce obesity and certain cancers. Feeding whole grain to improve the health of the intestine, keeping the bowels regular and encourage the growth of good bacteria in the gut.

But only 10% of Americans consume the recommended three servings daily.

Why? First, it is not always easy to say that the food is all cereal products. Scanning the bread, cereal or snack machines, and almost all the packages advertise the goodness of whole grains. But not all made with whole grains. Terms like Multi grain, 100% wheat, cracked wheat, organic, pumpernickel, heard and Ground Stone may sound healthy, but nobody has actually proved that the product is whole grain.

Moreover, many Americans believe that whole grains are not only good taste, or difficult to work in their daily diet.

To help you start using the benefits of a diet rich in whole grains, Web MD has a lean, as you say, what are whole grains and proposals for change in the number of servings recommended in your healthy eating plan.

But what if you buy processed products such as bread probably know the goods to avoid the refined wheat. But did you know that some manufacturers to remove the outer bran layer of whole wheat grain, with the refined wheat flour, add molasses, brown and call it 100% wheat bread? This is true - but not whole grain.

Therefore, it is important to list the ingredients for the control word whole before grains (such as whole wheat flour). Ideally, the whole grain is the first ingredient on the list indicates that the product contains the Whole grain than any other ingredient.

An easy way to find whole grain is for the FDA approved a health claim which states: In a diet low in fat of whole grain foods may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. This is a whole grain products, of which at least 51% of the total wheat flour (by weight) and is also low in fat, saturated fatty acids, found, and cholesterol.

Another simple way to find a complete cereal products, whole grains for the whole grain stamp of the Council, which, like many grams of whole grain look is evident in each portion. If all the corn, the stamp shows a 100% banner.

The amount of grains you need each day depends on age, sex, color, and physical activity. Most adults need six servings of grains each day, and at least half the guests come from whole grains. You can determine how much of the U.S., the Pyramid project I needed.

The good news is that whole grains, not necessarily brown or Multi grain bread, or only found in the adult cereals. You can find them in the food supply, including many processed foods.

Recommended guidelines for the 2005 US Dietary that Americans should eat more whole grains, there is an explosion of choices for whole grains. Many restaurants now offer brown rice and other whole grain options.

When feeding whole grains, not grain taste, there are new products made from wheat that are more easily shared and new processing techniques to look and taste more like white flour.

Such products white whole wheat is a great way to move to eat more whole grains, especially if your kids turn their noses at them.

Whole grains can be an excellent source of fiber. But not all whole grains are excellent sources of fiber. Whole meal bread contains among the highest amount of fiber whole grains. Brown rice contains the least.

For most people, food grains, better source of fiber.

Most sources of whole grains 1.4 grams of fiber per serving has shown comparable to that of fruits and vegetables, and just the right amount when spread over the day.

Fiber supplements can not give you the same benefits? While taking fiber supplements many of these cases, you will lose all the other nutritional benefits of whole grain products. However, if you know you can not always be at least 25 grams of fiber a day, the fiber supplement is a good way to help you get there.

Learning to enjoy whole grain is simply a matter of training your taste buds with its rich, spicy flavor of the bean familiar, experts say.

Whole grain taste and feel different from their mouths, so it takes some time to adjust to this new grain.

1. Choose whole grain bread, cereal, English muffins, waffles, bagels and crackers. Enjoy the wrap sandwich for lunch with two slices of whole meal or whole grain bread or cake, and you're two thirds the way to the goal.
2. Eat popcorn. What easier than air-to-eat popcorn as a snack? A study in May 2008 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that people who regularly ate popcorn 2.5 servings of whole grains per day on average, while consumption popcorn have less portion.
3. You have your whole grain snacks. They provide a third sample of the total consumption of grain - just make sure you choose the right ones. Check the label, because even if a whole grain, it could even fat, calories and sodium.
4. Start your day with a bowl of whole grains. Ask the National Register of weight control, which has lost significant amounts of weight - and kept off - swear by the importance of eating a nutritious breakfast cereal like every day. But remember that even if a product is produced from whole grains, is not necessarily healthy. Read the label and choose cereals with whole grain content and amount of sugar it contains. The less sugar the better.
5. It includes whole grains you roast. Mage likes to half of all wheat flour with all purpose flour mixed to increase the whole grain content of cooked products. You can also use white wheat flour in your local supermarket. Another option is to replace one third of the flour with whole grain oats.
6. Choose brown rice and whole grain pasta or mixed. Cook a batch of brown rice and frozen or refrigerated for 4-5 days and when time is an issue, there are large brown rice ready. Try whole wheat pasta, or part of pasta mixed with a mixture of whole grains and refined. Do not let the dark color of the whole grain pasta, which will be much easier to cook, so can not be angry.
7. Experiment with different grains. Visit the local food market your health and try some of the lesser-known whole grains available. Try the ricotta, salad, rice pilaf, whole grains, corn and other dishes with barley, brown rice, millet, quinone, or sorghum, Mage suggests. Add barley to canned soup, cook the barley. Add oats, oatmeal meatloaf and pour into yogurt for added crunch and nutrition.
8. Start your children on the right. From young children on a diet of all grain products. For older children, try to have white flour and incorporate whole grain diet, other flavors: French toast, burgers with whole wheat bread, brown rice with layers of vegetables, soups or dishes like shrimp Creole, whole wheat pita bread as to himself crust individual pizzas.

