
Health care 10 professional women diet methods

1. Dining position to be correct: sitting upright when eating, so that does not push out the stomach, so that food from the esophagus into the stomach faster.

2. Interval to be fit: General twice a meal interval to 4-6 hours is appropriate.

3. Try not to eat when very hungry: when you are hungry appetite due to an exceptionally strong, easy to eat a lot at once, leading to obesity.

4. Do not eat too much: such as taking the love of food, emotional satisfaction will make you quickly create a sense of fullness, thus avoiding eating too much.

5. Chewing food thoroughly: chewing food thoroughly helps digestion (digested food).

6. After lunch Mozambique to use its brain: after eating, stomach and digestion need to focus on the blood. Listen to soft music, take a break most appropriate. If the finish on the use of brain, blood flow to the head, gastrointestinal blood less likely to influence digestion.

7. Dinner should not be too much: Dinner should be easy to digest some food to eat, and should strictly control excessive. This weight control and weight reduction (diet food) is essential.

8. Eat a meal without talking about has nothing to do with the matter: If the discussion of complex issues or cause a wet blanket, it will affect people's appetite.

9. Attention to nutrition balance: should pay attention to nutrition, with three meals a day to avoid re-sample.

10. To ensure eat breakfast: eat a good breakfast, the body a minimum of blood glucose (blood sugar food) to maintain enough, people can not be dynamic in the learning and work.

