
How to maintain a healthy weight

If you have any concerns about your weight, consult your family doctor or nutritionist. If you think you have to lose a little weight, here are some tips.

If you need more than our bodies to eat, put on weight. This is because the energy we consume in our body, usually stored as fat. Even small amounts of surplus energy each day can lead to weight gain.

* If you can eat as much food as it should * improve the balance of your diet * more active

Get up close right Kiwi Balance is not a good idea to do a crash diet is important to ensure that we maintain a balanced diet. Otherwise, you may not always have the nutrients you need to keep your body healthy.

Fruits and vegetables we should eat one third of the food received. Arriving at least five portions of fruit or vegetables a day. These can be fresh, frozen, canned, dried or cooked, and a glass of fruit juice is also one of your servings per day.

It is preferable that the two types of fruits and vegetables they eat more, increase the scale and proportions of various nutrients in your diet.

Try to eat a variety of these foods and choose wholegrain, complete or high fiber keep the varieties possible.

One might think that starchy foods especially thick. This is not true, even if it can be fattening if they are cooked or served with added fat.
Is margarine or butter we spread on bread as a sauce, cream or cheese, we have pasta or oil used for frying that makes them fattening.

A healthy diet means eating and drinking less fat and sugar. Probably eat certain foods that contain fat, every day, such as margarine or butter, cooking oil, oil-based salad dressings and mayonnaise, but keep them in small quantities and choose a variety of low fat if possible .

And there's no escaping the fact that cakes, cookies, chips keep, cakes and ice to a minimum. And do not forget to select options low fat when you can.

* Select * choose the bread, cereals, potatoes, fruits and vegetables, lean meat, and always unplug * not low-fat varieties of dairy fat such as skim milk, 1% skim or reduced fat cheese, low-fat yoghurt * Boil, steam, grill or poach food in the microwave instead of frying or baking

First Physical Swimmer exercise is a good way for extra calories and helps us maintain our body weight. It's a good idea to actively participate every day, but do not need a gym to do.

Here are some suggestions of activities that will help you to burn off excess energy. You could:

* go for a walk after lunch
* choose the stairs instead of taking the lift
* walk (or even jog) some of your shorter journeys
* get off the bus one or two stops earlier

First Physical Swimmer exercise is a good way for extra calories and helps us maintain our body weight. It's a good idea to actively participate every day, but do not need a gym to do.

* Take a walk after lunch, the stairs instead of the elevator * (jog or walk a little) for shorter trips * the bus a stop or two before choosing

