
The therapeutic elements of Insomnia

1. Efficacy of dietary

Food Name: "foreign flavor scrambled eggs." Prevention and treatment of insomnia function is very respected in Japan.

Specific approach: tomatoes into boiling water in a rapidly picked up, and then into cold water, peeled after the slices, fry with vegetable oil reserve. 6 egg throwing rotten, add milk, 250 ~ 300 ml, and then put a little salt and pepper mixing. And then take 150 grams of cheese evenly chopped, spare. Take 500 ml of salad oil heated. First into the eggs, gently Hunban, then add tomatoes, mix well fry can be.

Analysis: This dish can play a hypnotic effect, the key is rich in protein and fat combination, tomatoes, adds vitamins and reduce greasy. Complement each other, is worth popularizing. Consumption we should pay attention: First, applications must be dinner, 2 tea consumption is not greasy. A whole do not have one person once endured.

2. Rehabilitation diet points

Protein into the human body, is broken down into amino acids, including tryptophan synthetic and sleep are related to 5 - hydroxytryptamine (found in the brain) of raw materials. Therefore, adequate intake of tryptophan can induce sleep. L-tryptophan-containing foods are fish, meat, eggs, etc., but the most abundant milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. Because dairy products contain more calcium, calm nerves, so insomnia particularly effective. Insomnia on sleep before drinking a glass of milk or yogurt, there will be a good hypnotic effect.

Dinner or a late-night you can eat more fatty food. As the fats to digest slowly, the head of the Ministry of blood to the gastrointestinal focus, giving the feeling sleepy can also be tempting to sleep. Fat among the best are rich in vegetable oils containing linoleic acid. You can use this oil to fry (fried) young chicken thigh meat, pork chops, oysters, meat pie child and so on.

Drink before bedtime can be proportionally more alcoholic beverages, such as wine, beer, whiskey and Japanese sake. These wines have a considerable degree on the central nervous system effects of paralysis, there is stability and nerves, the effect of the elimination of tension, they are able to play a role in inducing sleep. In contrast, tea, coffee and other caffeinated beverages, because of the role of excited brain, so insomnia sleep before the disabled.

