
Using food fight pollution "office"

In the modern office, the people of high speed, but also buried under some health concerns, radiation, dust, heavy metal pollution, noise... For these people are not hidden, but to avoid certain food can choose to fight against pollution of the office. "" prime

Winter eat fruit

A woman's life cannot eat, * 10 types of food
Winter eat fruit, * not harmful to health
Pale yellow, dark, * woman should eat what
You eat a * * * * DE winter beauty
*, nourishing soup good colour winter women

Food resist radiation

S case: ms. Zhang, program editor, 35

In the office, many people sitting in his work platform staring at the computer, hand in constant knocks the keyboard, ms. Zhang is one of her work must everyday to computer, this is her troubles, always think what method can solve, she is good at computer on a computer screen, but radiation-proof felt or not dependably...
Using food fight pollution "office"

S experts below:

The latest findings, kelp extract kelp polysaccharide can reduce isotope, radiation damage on immune function, and suppresses the immune cell apoptosis and radioprotective properties. Can resist radiation of vegetables and: green, black agaric, cabbage, radish, mustard and canola, etc.

Food antioxidant dust

S: a case LiNvShi, foreign employees

"Thought when the teacher is dealing with dust from morning till night, at the recent related reports found themselves also in constant breathing dust." In a work of LiNvShi surprise said. From reports, she know oneself everyday to deal with the duplicator, contain the black powder harmful to human body, the enhancement of carbon powder into the powder, contains the many aromatic nitro-group compounds may carcinogenic chemicals.

S experts below:
Using food fight pollution "office"

Pig blood contains a lot of B2, iron, calcium, phosphorus, Nick acid, vitamin C, such as protein nutrients. Pig blood plasma protein was decomposed body stomach acid, produce a detoxification, clear bowel decomposition, can with human body metal particles of dust, harmful response, easy to occur toxin combined eduction body outside. Long-term exposure to toxic or harmful dust, especially the daily vehicle driver, should eat pig's blood. In addition, pig iron, blood contains abundant of anemia is pale, is the ideal food row poison keep a yan. In addition, the duck blood chicken also have the sa

