
Oden original nutritional dishes

I gradually evolved into a family of multi-prime less dirty

Always eat at home, only a vegetarian

Only in that they do not eat out less stringent Bale

In order to ensure his family's nutritional

I always tried to figure out some of the nutritious and tasty dishes

Material: lotus root, carrot, potato, black fungus, mushrooms, bean curd

First, the black fungus and mushrooms soak hair, pulling into a small piece of clean alternative

Lotus root, carrots, potatoes were cut into pieces hob

Tofu cut into four pieces

Lotus root and potatoes cut nice blisters on the prevention of black

Wok of oil, onion ginger blast pot

First put carrots and potatoes block Stir-fry for a while

Then put vinegar and soy sauce stir fry evenly, cover and put some water will be a small fire stew

Spade shovel until the potatoes can be used to open up

Then turn into another into the lotus root, chunks of tofu and black fungus mushrooms, carefully stir fry

Add salt, chicken, black pepper, you can turn uniform pan 啦

My husband favorite dish in particular: lotus is a crisp, potato is the surface, and especially nutritious

The following extracts from some nutrition tips:

The effect of lotus root

Lotus root contains starch, protein, asparagine, vitamin C, as well as oxidase components, is also very high sugar content, can be eaten raw Xianou solution heat trouble, thirst-quenching vomiting; if the Xianou squeeze container, their effectiveness is even worse Sweet temperature of cooked lotus root can spleen appetizers, beneficial blood fill hearts, it is the main supplement five viscera, there is digestion and thirst quencher, myogenic effect.

Nutritional content:

Water 77.9 grams, 1.0 grams of protein, fat 0.1 g anti-, carbohydrate 19.8 grams, calories 84 kcal, crude fiber 0.5 g, ash 0.7 grams, calcium 19 mg, phosphorus 51 mg, iron 0.5 mg, 0.02 mg, carotene, sulfur amine hormone 0.11 mg, riboflavin 0.04 mg, Niacin 0.4 mg, 25 mg ascorbic acid.

[Nature and Flavor meridian] Chinese medicine practitioners believe that, raw lotus root Gan, cold, non-toxic. Cooked lotus root Gan, temperature, but also non-toxic

Carrot effect

Rich in vitamin A

Can prevent night blindness / visual help!!

1. Yigan eyesight:

Carrots contain a large number of carotene, which the molecular structure of carotene is equivalent to two molecules of vitamin A, into the body after the liver and small intestinal mucosa through the enzyme within the role, of which 50% turned into vitamin A, there is Bugan eyesight of the the role of cure night blindness;

2. Lee Kuan intestinal diaphragm:

Carrots contain plant fiber, water absorption strong, easy to expansion of volume in the intestine is the intestinal tract of the "filling material", can enhance intestinal peristalsis, and thus facilitate a wide diaphragm intestines, bowel cancer prevention;

3. Jianpi In addition to rickets:

Vitamin A is necessary for bone growth and development of normal material, contribute to cell proliferation and growth, is the body's growth factors in promoting growth and development of infants and young children has an important meaning;

4. To enhance immune function:

Carotene into vitamin A, help to enhance the body's immune Shi can, in the prevention of cancerous epithelial cells play an important role in the process. Carrot in the lignin also can enhance the immune system, indirect eradication of cancer cells;

5. Hypoglycemic lipid-lowering:

Carrots also contain hypoglycemic substances, is good food for people with diabetes, which contains some elements, such as negligent skin Su, mountain standard phenol can increase coronary blood flow, reducing blood lipids, promote the synthesis of epinephrine, as well as step-down , cardiac effects, hypertension, coronary heart disease in patients with therapeutic Jiapin.

Oden original nutritional dishes [diet writer]

Potato effect

1. And in the Stomach, Spleen dampness: potato contains large amounts of starch and protein, B vitamins, vitamin C and so on, can promote the digestive function of the spleen and stomach.

2. Wide intestinal catharsis: potato contains a lot of dietary fiber, can be wide-intestinal catharsis and help the body excrete metabolic toxins in time to prevent constipation, prevention of intestinal diseases;

3. Hypoglycemic lipid-lowering, beauty beauty: Potatoes can supply a large number of special protective effect of human mucus proteins. Who can promote the digestive tract, respiratory and joint cavity, serous cavity lubrication, prevention of cardiovascular and systems of fat deposition, to keep blood vessels flexible and help prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Potatoes at the same time is an alkaline vegetable is conducive to the body acid-base balance and in vivo metabolism resulting from acidic substances, and thus have a certain beauty, anti-aging effect;

4. Supplementary nutrition, diuresis swelling: Potatoes are rich in vitamins and calcium, potassium and other trace elements, and easy digestion and absorption, nutrient-rich, in the United States and Europe, especially in North America, potatoes have long become the second staple food. Potato is conducive to high blood pressure and renal edema in patients with rehabilitation.

Effectiveness of black fungus

1. Fungus is extremely rich in iron content, it can be nourishing Totale eat fungus makes the skin glowing, radiant, and can control iron-deficiency anemia;

2. Auricularia vitamin K, can reduce the blood clot, to prevent the occurrence of thrombosis, there is prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease of the role;

3. Fungus can be put in the gum left in the dust inside the human digestive system, absorption of impurities removed from the body together, thus playing the role of intestinal Qingwei Polyester;

4. It gallstones, kidney stones and other endogenous foreign bodies have a more significant resolve function;

5. It also helps to digest fiber material and function, inadvertently eating difficult to digest the hair, rice husk, wood residue, sand, metal filings and other foreign bodies have dissolved and the molten-based role, therefore, it is the mining, chemical industry and textile workers in essential health food;

6. Agaric contains the anti-tumor active substances that can enhance the body's immune system, regular consumption can be anti-cancer.

Mushroom Effect:

Mushrooms with a high protein, low fat, polysaccharides, amino acids and a variety of vitamins fungus food.

1. To improve immune function: lentinan can increase mouse peritoneal macrophage phagocytosis, but also promote the production of T lymphocytes and enhance the cytotoxic activity of T lymphocytes;

2. Anti-aging: mushroom water extracts on hydrogen peroxide-scavenging effect on hydrogen peroxide in vivo elimination of a certain role;

3. Anti-cancer: mushroom cap part of the structure that contains double-stranded RNA into the human body will produce anti-cancer effect with interferon;

4. Lower blood pressure, blood fat, cholesterol-lowering: mushrooms contain purine, choline, tyrosine, oxidative enzymes and certain nucleic acid substances, can play a lowering of blood pressure, cholesterol, blood fat's role, but also to prevent arteriosclerosis and cirrhosis and other diseases.

5. Shiitake mushrooms also diabetes, tuberculosis, infectious hepatitis, neuritis, etc. for treatment purpose, but also for indigestion, constipation and so on.

Tofu effect

1. Tofu is the best low-insulin ammonia stem specialty foods.

2. Tofu can improve the structure of human fat

3. Eating tofu can prevent and resist cancer.

4. Eating tofu can prevent and resist disease, menopause

5. Eating tofu can prevent and combat osteoporosis

6. Eating tofu can improve memory and mental concentration

7. Eating tofu can prevent and resist aging and dementia

8. Eating tofu can prevent and resist disease, liver function

9. Eating tofu and boycott diabetes can be prevented

10. Eating tofu can be prevented and resistance atherosclerosis

11. Eating tofu can prevent and combat colds and influenza,

