
This is six strokes and then the skin can save a bad back

Achievements in the perfect skin on the nose

People in the workplace, walking, dress neatly, it is just basic requirements. Trends can be followed, the image can shape, but the details of the body is reflected personal taste and quality of life standards.

1. Nose and long in the face of the most middle of the site, the impact of any make-up means it is not great; while the nose is the nose of the top priority, the ultimate goal of human eyes, one of the face and then the rest of the skin bright and clean, wore only one spot, there are black, but also shiny nose, you will not see where to go pretty.

2. Black: Black is a skin whitening natural enemies, in the nose and its surrounding parts, often have oil secretion, these oils will eventually harden, become black after oxidation. Nose paste the result is not complete, often go to beauty salons to the nose area of the skin and pores are not small damage, so except Black focuses on daily care. Can regularly with deep cream to remove dead skin keratinocytes; buy plants to soften Black Milk, Fuyu Black Branch ,10-15 minutes after the wash (usually 2-3 times per week seriously, every day use); re-use shrink pores regulate water, convergence pores and reduce oil secretion.

3. Pore thick: the nose is the site of strong oil secretion, increase with age, as well as skin care products are used improperly, will cause the pores is growing, while the nose is the face of the most protruding parts, the impact is even more beautiful coarse pores. Normally be subject to periodic deep cleaning and exfoliation, a daily cleaning should be done the right way to avoid the accumulation of dirt and grease in the pores; washing the face after the shooting on the convergence of ingredients containing a mild contraction of water (or toner) and gently tap bottom-up, sustained period of time will make pores look a lot of detail, but also inhibit the effect of sebum secretion.

4. Shiny: You do not want them to stare you, your nose like a light bulb as bright bar! Adequate sleep, regular rest and avoid staying up late, drink plenty of water, multi-draft, diligence and with Shoulian Shui is the control of oil secretion the pack. You can also use oil-absorbing paper, but the number of do not too much, 2 times a day can be.

5. Redness: eating too much chocolate and other sweets, may lead to telangiectasia on the tip of the nose to tip of the nose redness; a habit of eating snacks women, can be nuts, fruit or yogurt instead. If the red nose, in addition to cold weather and other reasons, will have to consider whether an excessive burden on the heart, does have a brandy nose and promptly go to hospital for treatment.

6. Stain: stain the appearance of skin do not always have a trace of regret wipe, nose and head a few spots in childhood can be regarded as a cute; but later in the adult, it can be regarded as unsightly. The use of qualified freckle whitening products that will lighten the stain. Note that you can say that lemon juice whitening, lemon contains vitamin C can be whitening ingredients, but without the refinement of natural lemon, vitamin C not only can not be directly absorbed by the skin, but also contains a substance called solanine components easy to form a stain. If you order lemon peel or juice at attaining, and then sun, then there will greatly increase the chance stains.

